MCQs of Current Affairs Part 1

MCQs, mcq, mcqs of current affairs
1.      In Rio Olympics 2016, which nation completed at the second number of the board with gold medals?
a.       The United States
b.      China
c.       Great Britain
d.      Russia

2.      In Rio Olympics 2016, which nation complete at the top of the board with gold medals?
a.       China
b.      Great Britain
c.       The United States
d.      Russia

3.      In Rio Olympics 2016, who won the women's football gold
a.       Brazil
b.      Germany
c.       France
d.      Italy
4.      In Rio Olympics 2016 who won the men's football gold
a.      Brazil
b.      Germany
c.       France
d.      Italy

5.      In Rio Olympics 2016, who won the men's volleyball gold won?
a.       The United States
b.      Russia
c.       Brazil
d.      Great Britain
6.      Michael Phelps, a US swimmer, won __________ gold medals in Rio Olympics 2016.
a.       7
b.      6
c.       5
d.      4
7.      The Paris agreement opened for sign for one year on
a.       20 April 2016
b.      22 April 2016
c.       23 April 2016
d.      21 April 2016

8.      The Paris treaty of the UN Framework Resolution on Climate Change is to limit global warming glowing under
a.      2.0 °C
b.      2.5 °C
c.       1°C
d.      1.5 °C

9.      The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change deals with
a.       CO2 emissions mitigation
b.      Reduction in fossil fuel usage
c.       Greenhouse gasses emissions mitigation
d.      Reduction in Uranium production

     10. On 22 April 2016, the Paris Treaty ratify by _____ member states.
a.       18
b.      17
c.       16
d.      15




Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google